
Для желающих принять Символ Веры


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Календарь Веда Локи
12 Марта
2025 год

по ведическому
5121 год Кали-юги,
28-я Маха-юга
7-я манвантара
Эпоха Ману Вайвасваты
кальпа вепря
первый день 51 года
Vidya Sagara / Enter the tradition / Accept the symbol of Faith

Accept the symbol of Faith

Принять Символ Веры

There are two levels of the Symbol of Faith In the tradition of our school:

  • 1. SYMBOL OF FAITH SANATANA DHARMA (full-time and correspondence) - the initial Symbol of Faith. The Pancha Shraddha principle is accepting. This means that a person has entered the culture and principles of Sanatana Dharma and he accepts Hinduism in general.

    This type of Symbol of Faith is suitable for practitioners of different traditions who are not yet ready to accept only our tradition, but respect the Guru, the Teaching and our disciples. And want to attend events and have the intention to come to ashrams.

    Representatives of this category of spiritual seekers have the status of "Guest".

    After accepting the Symbol of Faith of Sanatana Dharma it’s better to be oriented to take the Symbol of Faith for Refuge as the main one.

  • 2. SYMBOL OF FAITH OF REFUGE (full-time and correspondence) - The Symbol of Faith in the line of transmission is the main Symbol of Faith.

    A spiritual seeker is guided by the principles outlined in the text of the Symbol of Faith, takes Refuge and the Refuge mantra.

    This is already entering the line of transmission, which means that a person enters the Tradition of our Teaching and intends to practice with the Guru and precisely the Teaching that the Guru conveys.

    This type of Creed is suitable for seekers seeking to follow the Path of the Guru's Teachings. These seekers intend to follow the rules established in the Sangha and the instructions of the Guru.

    They have the status of "Disciple", the status of a student in the WOSM (World Community of Sanatana Dharma). It means they accept discipleship.

    Based on these types of acceptance of the Symbol of Faith, people are admitted to information and training resources (chats and groups in social networks, websites), conditions for attending events and living in WOSM Ashrams.

    Both of Symbols of Faith are accepted online then personally upon arrival at the Ashram or at a seminar (only the Symbol of Faith Refuge).

Accept the Correspondence Symbol of Faith

In order to accept the Symbol of Faith of Refuge / Sanatana Dharma in absentia, you need to:

  • 1. Fill out the questionnaire, answer the test questions.
  • 2. Create a home Altar according to the WOSM standard (at least with the main Deities, Parampara) or print.
  • 3. Print out the texts Pancha Sraddha and the Symbol of Faith.
  • 4. Prepare the Altar: set up and light candles, incense, a bowl of clean water, a tray of fruits, petals and flowers.
  • 5. Put on white clothes (it is favorable to have a white Punjabi) and sit at the Altar.
  • 6. With folded hands in Namaste, chant the mantra OM 3 times.
  • 7. Perform prostration (bow) while sitting.
  • 8. Read the texts Pancha Sraddha and the Creed.
  • 9. To recite the 5 Refuges mantras (Pancha-ratna-saranagati-pranama):

            (palms folded in Namaskar over Sahasrara Chakra)
            Om! I resort to Shiva (the Supreme God) for protection!
            (palms in front of Ajna Chakra)
            Om! I resort to Dharma (true teaching) for protection!
            (palms at the level of Anahata Chakra)
            Om! Resorting to the Sangha (community of devotees) for protection!
            (palms opposite Mooladhara Chakra, fingers down)
            Om! I resort to Shakti for protection!
            (meditate on Lord Shiva or your Guru)
            Om! I resort to the eternal (true) Teacher for protection!

    Make a Namaskar (bow) towards the Altar.

  • 10. Chant the Refuge mantra 3 times:

            Namo Guru Deva
            Namo Satya Dharma
            Namo Arya Sangha
            (I take refuge in 3 Jewels: Guru, Dharma and Sangha)
  • 11. Perform prostration (bow) while sitting.
  • 12. With folded hands in Namaste, chant the mantra "OM" 3 times.
  • 13. Perform prostration (bow) while sitting.
  • 14. After completing the ritual, take a photo of your Altar and send the photo to [email protected] (to the monk Vidyeshwar).
  • 15. Consult with a monk on the recommended initial practices, as well as plan for the adoption of the Full Creed, that is, the ceremony of Entering the Tradition with the monk. Request a consultation from the monk Vidyeshwar - [email protected]

After accepting the Correspondence Creed, you can proceed to the Preliminary Practices by receiving clarifications from the monk of the Preliminary Practices.

After full-time acceptance of the Creed, it is favorable to undergo the Grand Creed Ceremony.

Учебно-ритритный ашрам "Видья Сагара":
Адвайтавадини Гири +38 067-438-77-48, [email protected]
