Construction of the Saraswati Temple
We manifest the temple of the goddess Saraswati on the ground in the ashram of Swami Vishnudevananda Giri. We invite you to take part in the construction.
Sarasvati is the Goddess of Wisdom, she brings true knowledge, helping every aspirant to cognize the essence of being and reach the truth.
It accompanies a person on the Path of spiritual development, leads to an understanding of the scriptures, and also there is awareness and jnana itself.

Each brick or stone put into the construction of the temple is the greatest merit, each thrown mortar of cement is a merit that erases the karmas of many lives.
The sacred texts say that everyone who took part in the construction of temples will receive Liberation within the next seven lifetimes due to such a spiritual connection.
Everyone who took part in decorating temples will gain great merit associated with clean countries, those who designed temples will gain great merit associated with creative powers, all those who equipped temples will gain great merit associated with the forces of sustaining in the future.
We calculated that our small Temple would need 500 gas blocks.
Each "brick" is a contribution of 500 UAH ($ 20). Someone can invest in 1 "brick", someone in 2, someone in 3 or more. Everyone has the opportunity to become a part, to feel like a part of the mandala, to become a divine guide of the Dharma, to strengthen the energies of Sarasvati (wisdom, knowledge and awareness) in themselves.
Organizational issues and the opportunity to purchase "bricks" for the Temples - from Shrinandini (skype - svetaramaeva, viber and phone: +380 (97) 918 38 63).
Swami Vishnudevananda Giri about the Gddess Saraswati: