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Календарь Веда Локи
31 Марта
2025 год

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5121 год Кали-юги,
28-я Маха-юга
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Vidya Sagara / Our Tradition / Yoga / Jnana Yoga

Jnana Yoga

Джняна йога

This is the path of exploration. This is not the path of the intellect, since jnana yoga is aimed at overcoming the limitations of the intellect or the logical abilities of a person, since intellect is a part of the jiva's inner instrument, made up of past experiences and the repository of samskaras associated with past incarnations, that is, it brought us to that the state of limitation in which we are.

Jnana Yoga is the path to intuitive knowledge, and it is illogical - that is, it cannot be described using the simple logic of the human world (Aristotelian logic).

On this path, a person asks questions about the essence of life and about his true nature. Success on this path requires effort, concentration, and complete absorption in research. Without this, it is impossible to receive insight and true knowledge of your nature. This knowledge is understood as intuitive knowledge that is inexpressible in words.

The path of jnana yoga is open to everyone, but very few are willing to follow it. This occurs due to absorption by internal conflicts and the inability to relax and discard fixed ideas and formed experiences, as well as due to the fact that the mind of most people is too focused on external objects and distracted.

Therefore, it makes sense for most people to start with other yoga paths, which allow first to clear the mind, calm it down and make it more one-pointed. The person must completely immerse themselves in research in order to find the required answers.

Christ said, "Empty yourself and I will fill you."

Zen masters Chao Chu asked, "What would you say to someone who came to you with nothing?" He replied, "Throw it away."

This is the beginning of jnana yoga - giving up all concepts.

Having emptied his mind from the blockages of stereotypes, concepts and dogmas, from this initial position of rejection of ideologies, a person who stands on the path of jnana yoga should begin to ask himself questions. One of the most common questions is, "Who am I?"

This method was suggested by Ramana Maharishi. Ramana Maharshi was on the path of jnana yoga, he did not just repeat this question for five minutes every morning before breakfast. The question permeated his entire being, penetrated into the deeper layers of consciousness and filled him. Research must continue continuously, consciously or unconsciously.

This question should be asked no matter what the seeker does, down to the smallest and most mundane matters. The whole being of the seeker must be at stake in this exploration, so that Hamlet's famous question from Shakespeare's eponymous drama ("To be or not to be?") Pales before this search. Only then can self-realization be achieved. This is the path of jnana yoga.

Jnana Yoga is a method of intense meditation that leads to intuitive knowledge.

The guru helps the student on the path of jnana yoga, even when the student does not know that he is on that path. The guru may pose a question or say something that seems completely contradictory to the disciple. The guru can pose the question directly or indirectly; perhaps the student will hear a passing remark, but it leaves a lasting impression. Something awakens in the student, his mind goes into a state of crisis, and the student becomes completely absorbed in trying to find an answer to this question. The deep forces of his consciousness come into excitement, the mind becomes one-pointed and works with maximum efficiency.

Only his Guru can decide whether a Jnana Yogi is suitable for the seeker.

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Адвайтавадини Гири +38 067-438-77-48, [email protected]
