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Календарь Веда Локи
9 Февраля
2025 год

по ведическому
5121 год Кали-юги,
28-я Маха-юга
7-я манвантара
Эпоха Ману Вайвасваты
кальпа вепря
первый день 51 года
Vidya Sagara / Master


Swami Vishnudevananda Giri

Srotriya Brahmanishtha Anant
Sri Vibhushit Panch Dashanam Juna Akhara
Mahamandaleshwar Swami Vishnudevananda Giri

World famous, established in Brahman, possessing unlimited powers,
The Lord of the Universal Mandala, the one who attains bliss through Vishnu,
climbing to the very top beyond all limits.

Initiation: Purnasanyasa

Date: February 7, 2010

Location: Haridwar, India, Kumbhamela

Initiation was conducted by: Kapil Advait Somnath Giri Mahayogi Pilot Babaji Maharaj Mahamandaleshwar Panch Dashanam Juna Akhara

Initiation: Mahamandaleshwara

Date: February 9, 2010

Location: Haridwar, India, Jun Akhara Center

Initiation was conducted by: Acharya Panch Dashanam Juna Akhara Avdeshananda Giriji Maharaj.

Swami Vishnudevananda Giri

Spiritual teacher (authorized to initiate into sannyasa) in the Advaita Vedanta and Yoga traditions, sadhu, realized master Jnani in the Advaita Vedanta lineage, philosopher, theologian, writer, pilgrim-traveler who has disciples of monks and lay people around the world - in Russia , Ukraine, Belarus, Europe, USA, India, Nepal.

Was born in 1967 in the USSR, on the territory of Ukraine.

He began spiritual practice and meditation on his own at the age of six, relying on the intuitive memory of the past.

Took Sanatana Dharma as his path and worship at 19 years old.

Held several secluded retreats doing yoga tapasya, one of which lasted nearly three years. As a result of the last retreat in 1993-1995, he realized samadhi and attained enlightenment.

Sanatana Dharma, the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, Anuttara Tantra has been preaching since 1995.

Author of over 50 books and several hundred articles on yoga philosophy. The most significant and famous works and books: the two-volume Shining of the Precious Secrets of Laya Yoga, Songs of the Awakened One, The Universe of the Jnani, Spiritual Alchemy: the Path of Inner Asceticism, My Life in God.

He gave several thousand lectures on the philosophy of Vedanta, yoga, tantra, metaphysics and mythology of Sanatana Dharma.

Teaches jnana, raja, bhakti, karma yoga, kundalini, laya yoga, siddha anuttara tantra teachings.

He is the initiator of several International Advaita Vedanta Congresses in Russia, several festivals of Vedic culture, Vedic cinema, Vedic literature and interfaith international meetings in Europe within the framework of the "Era of Unity" project.

In 2010, at the world festival of Kumbha Mela in Haridwar, he accepted the status of a sannyasi and a spiritual name from the Mahamandaleshwar of the Order of Juna Akhara Somnath Giri Maharaj (saint Mahayogi Pilot Babaji) and the status of a Mahamandaleshwar from the acharya Shandeeshwara of the Juna Akhara Jahari Swami Orracharya Shandeeswara, Sri Swami .In 2014, in Allahabad, the status of Mahamandaleshwar was also awarded to his disciple, Swamini Ananda Lila Giri.

August 4, 2019 in New Delhi, awarded Raja Rishi status at the 2019 World Peace Campaign Awards organized by the Mahayoga Pilot Baba and Yogmata Keiko Aikawa Foundation for World Peace.

On October 10, 2019, the opening ceremony of the Order of Sri Adi Shankaracharya and entry into it took place. The ritual of invoking the Blessings of the lineage saints and Sri Adi Shankaracharya was performed. Declaration of the International Order of Advaita signed.

Preaches Sanatana Dharma, the path of practical Vedanta, the teaching of anuttara-tantra in Russia, European countries, USA, India, Nepal, Indonesia.

According to the BBC edition, he is one of the three most influential Hindu sannyasis among Europeans.

He is the inspiration for the creation of several yoga ashrams in different countries - Divya Loka (Russia), Sadhu Loka (Nepal), Shanti Loka (India), Trimurti ashram, Mauna ashram, Chitra Amrita ashram, Karma-sannyasi ashram Sadhu Tapovan, Avadhuta Siddha ashram and spiritual teacher of the lay people (grihastha), karma-sannyasis, brahmacharis and sannyasis who live in them.

Swami Vishnudevananda Giri

For more information, read on LiveLib

Учебно-ритритный ашрам "Видья Сагара":
Адвайтавадини Гири +38 067-438-77-48, [email protected]
