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Календарь Веда Локи
24 Октября
2024 год

по ведическому
5121 год Кали-юги,
28-я Маха-юга
7-я манвантара
Эпоха Ману Вайвасваты
кальпа вепря
первый день 51 года



Yoga is usually defined as the union or union of the limited self (jiva) and the cosmic self (Atman). But, more precisely, it is the awareness of an already existing unity. Yoga seeks to eradicate the ego, which is the aspect of our individuality that makes us feel separate.

Yoga lifts man above material existence, above his limitations and imperfections, and gives him the highest experience of life, filled with bliss and light and which is his true nature. Yoga is a science that gives a person power over his body, mind and, ultimately, over nature.

Swami Shivananda said: "Yoga is the unity and harmony of thought, word and deed, or the unity of the head, heart and hands."

It is also appropriate here to cite the definitions of yoga taken from the classical text of the Bhagavad Gita:

“Yoga is equanimity in success and failure”; “Yoga is skill and efficiency in action”; “Yoga is the highest secret of life”; "Yoga bestows unspeakable bliss and destroys pain."

Patanjali, the author of the classic text "Yoga Sutras", defines yoga as "... complete control over all forms and varieties of consciousness."

There are many different paths of yoga, but most of them are only minor variations of a few basic ones.

Since the personality of each individual person is unique, we can say that everyone has their own spiritual path. On the other hand, people still have more common features than differences: people have several basic characteristic emotions, a propensity for activity, as a result of which yoga can be divided into several paths facing each of the facets of the personality.

All the various paths lead to one Source. They are often compared to different rivers flowing into the sea. Initially, they flow completely separately and are named differently. However, as they move towards the Source, they begin to merge with each other, until, in the end, they are not absorbed by the ocean, in which they completely lose their individuality.

The same is the case with different directions of yoga: at first they have specific features and sometimes even seem to contradict each other, but as you move along one or more of these paths, their differences disappear. All areas of yoga are united by one goal: physical health, peace of mind, higher awareness. All the many options for yoga can be roughly divided into five main groups, corresponding to the most important aspects of our personality:

  • 1. Hatha yoga is a way of balancing the mental, physical and subtle forces of the body;
  • 2. Raja Yoga is the path of introspection;
  • 3. Bhakti Yoga - the path of devotion and love;
  • 4. Jnana Yoga - the path of research and search;
  • 5. Karma Yoga is the path of action.

We all tend to engage in introspection and ask questions about the structure of the world, the nature of life and other topics that are important to us. At the same time, everyone is naturally endowed with one or another emotional inclinations and constantly performs certain actions. Finally, everyone has a mind, a physical body and a pranic body.

It is how these aspects of our consciousness relate to each other that defines our personality. That is, some of us are more emotional, or religious, than others. Bhakti yoga is recommended for such people.

Others are very active and unable to remain calm: they have to express themselves and act in the external world. For such people, the path of karma yoga is most suitable.

Still others are calmer and tend to observe their psychological reactions to various life situations and analyze them - in this case, Raja Yoga is recommended.

There are also people who constantly ask questions about the structure of the universe and refuse to accept on faith any answers, except those based on personal experience - Jnana Yoga is more suitable for them.

Finally, there are those who, being somewhat more mundane, are able to control the forces of their mind and physical and pranic bodies, bringing them to the best possible state. Hatha yoga is more suitable for this.

According to most yoga masters, such as Satyananda Sarasvati, Swami Shivananda, Swami Vivekananda, it is best to practice all types of yoga to one degree or another, focusing on the one that corresponds to the prevailing aspect of the personality. They believe that it is necessary to follow such a path with the greatest zeal, since it will be in the best way in accordance with their own nature. Swami Sivananda was a firm believer in what he called “integral yoga,” in which all aspects of the personality are developed through a combination of different types of yoga. He said that you need:

"Serve - Love - Meditate - Comprehend".

This encompasses all five aspects of being: action, devotion, introspection, exploration, and the body (the development of the latter is included in the practice of meditation).

Учебно-ритритный ашрам "Видья Сагара":
Адвайтавадини Гири +38 067-438-77-48, [email protected]
